Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ValidationFailed** =============================================== *extends* class :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\Exception ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` This exception is generated when a model fails to save a record Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model must be set up to have this behavior Methods ------- public **__construct** (*Model* $model, *Message[]* $validationMessages) Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model\\ValidationFailed constructor public **getModel** () Returns the model that generated the messages public **getMessages** () Returns the complete group of messages produced in the validation final private *Exception* **__clone** () inherited from Exception Clone the exception public **__wakeup** () inherited from Exception ... final public *string* **getMessage** () inherited from Exception Gets the Exception message final public *int* **getCode** () inherited from Exception Gets the Exception code final public *string* **getFile** () inherited from Exception Gets the file in which the exception occurred final public *int* **getLine** () inherited from Exception Gets the line in which the exception occurred final public *array* **getTrace** () inherited from Exception Gets the stack trace final public *Exception* **getPrevious** () inherited from Exception Returns previous Exception final public *Exception* **getTraceAsString** () inherited from Exception Gets the stack trace as a string public *string* **__toString** () inherited from Exception String representation of the exception