Class **Phalcon\\Mvc\\Url** =========================== *implements* :doc:`Phalcon\\Mvc\\UrlInterface `, :doc:`Phalcon\\Di\\InjectionAwareInterface ` .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` This components helps in the generation of: URIs, URLs and Paths .. code-block:: php get('products/edit/1'); //Generate a URL for a predefined route echo $url->get(array('for' => 'blog-post', 'title' => 'some-cool-stuff', 'year' => '2012')); Methods ------- public **setDI** (:doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` $dependencyInjector) Sets the DependencyInjector container public **getDI** () Returns the DependencyInjector container public **setBaseUri** (*unknown* $baseUri) Sets a prefix for all the URIs to be generated .. code-block:: php setBaseUri('/invo/'); $url->setBaseUri('/invo/index.php/'); public **setStaticBaseUri** (*unknown* $staticBaseUri) Sets a prefix for all static URLs generated .. code-block:: php setStaticBaseUri('/invo/'); public **getBaseUri** () Returns the prefix for all the generated urls. By default / public **getStaticBaseUri** () Returns the prefix for all the generated static urls. By default / public **setBasePath** (*unknown* $basePath) Sets a base path for all the generated paths .. code-block:: php setBasePath('/var/www/htdocs/'); public **getBasePath** () Returns the base path public **get** ([*unknown* $uri], [*unknown* $args], [*unknown* $local], [*unknown* $baseUri]) Generates a URL .. code-block:: php get('products/edit/1'); //Generate a URL for a predefined route echo $url->get(array('for' => 'blog-post', 'title' => 'some-cool-stuff', 'year' => '2015')); public **getStatic** ([*unknown* $uri]) Generates a URL for a static resource .. code-block:: php getStatic("img/logo.png"); // Generate a URL for a static predefined route echo $url->getStatic(array('for' => 'logo-cdn')); public **path** ([*unknown* $path]) Generates a local path