Class **Phalcon\\Tag** ====================== .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html :raw-html:`Source on GitHub` Phalcon\\Tag is designed to simplify building of HTML tags. It provides a set of helpers to generate HTML in a dynamic way. This component is an abstract class that you can extend to add more helpers. Constants --------- *integer* **HTML32** *integer* **HTML401_STRICT** *integer* **HTML401_TRANSITIONAL** *integer* **HTML401_FRAMESET** *integer* **HTML5** *integer* **XHTML10_STRICT** *integer* **XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL** *integer* **XHTML10_FRAMESET** *integer* **XHTML11** *integer* **XHTML20** *integer* **XHTML5** Methods ------- public static *EscaperInterface* **getEscaper** (*array* $params) Obtains the 'escaper' service if required public static **renderAttributes** (*unknown* $code, *array* $attributes) Renders parameters keeping order in their HTML attributes public static **setDI** (:doc:`Phalcon\\DiInterface ` $dependencyInjector) Sets the dependency injector container. public static **getDI** () Internally gets the request dispatcher public static **getUrlService** () Returns a URL service from the default DI public static **getEscaperService** () Returns an Escaper service from the default DI public static **setAutoescape** (*unknown* $autoescape) Set autoescape mode in generated html public static **setDefault** (*string* $id, *string* $value) Assigns default values to generated tags by helpers .. code-block:: php "peter")); //Later in the view echo Phalcon\Tag::textField("name"); //Will have the value "peter" by default public static **displayTo** (*string* $id, *string* $value) Alias of Phalcon\\Tag::setDefault public static *boolean* **hasValue** (*string* $name) Check if a helper has a default value set using Phalcon\\Tag::setDefault or value from _POST public static *mixed* **getValue** (*string* $name, [*array* $params]) Every helper calls this function to check whether a component has a predefined value using Phalcon\\Tag::setDefault or value from _POST public static **resetInput** () Resets the request and internal values to avoid those fields will have any default value public static *string* **linkTo** (*array|string* $parameters, [*string* $text], [*boolean* $local]) Builds a HTML A tag using framework conventions .. code-block:: php "btn-primary")); echo Phalcon\Tag::linkTo("", "Phalcon", FALSE); echo Phalcon\Tag::linkTo(array("", "Phalcon Home", FALSE)); echo Phalcon\Tag::linkTo(array("", "Phalcon Home", "local" =>FALSE)); final protected static *string* **_inputField** (*string* $type, *array* $parameters, [*boolean* $asValue]) Builds generic INPUT tags final protected static *string* **_inputFieldChecked** (*string* $type, *array* $parameters) Builds INPUT tags that implements the checked attribute public static *string* **colorField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="color"] tag public static *string* **textField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="text"] tag .. code-block:: php 30)); public static *string* **numericField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="number"] tag .. code-block:: php "1", "max" => "5")); public static *string* **rangeField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="range"] tag public static *string* **emailField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="email"] tag .. code-block:: php "14-12-1980")) public static *string* **dateTimeField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="datetime"] tag public static *string* **dateTimeLocalField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="datetime-local"] tag public static *string* **monthField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="month"] tag public static *string* **timeField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="time"] tag public static *string* **weekField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="week"] tag public static *string* **passwordField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="password"] tag .. code-block:: php 30)); public static *string* **hiddenField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="hidden"] tag .. code-block:: php "mike")); public static *string* **fileField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="file"] tag .. code-block:: php "Y")); public static *string* **radioField** (*array* $parameters) Builds a HTML input[type="radio"] tag .. code-block:: php "hot")) Volt syntax: .. code-block:: php "/img/button.png")); Volt syntax: .. code-block:: php "Active", "I" => "Inactive")) public static *string* **select** (*array* $parameters, [*array* $data]) Builds a HTML SELECT tag using a Phalcon\\Mvc\\Model resultset as options .. code-block:: php array("id", "name") )); Volt syntax: .. code-block:: php 10, "rows" => 4)) Volt syntax: .. code-block:: php "post")); Volt syntax: .. code-block:: php "Some Photo")); Volt Syntax: .. code-block:: php